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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Embodying The Phoenix

Today we have a South Node New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio plunging us deep into dark, murky waters. This intense and powerful combination brings with it permanent changes both individually and collectively. Typically New Moons are about new beginnings but because this is a South Node Eclipse we must release something first in order to be propelled forward.

Previous eclipses in this saros cycle brought to light various examples of political misdeeds, manipulation, lies and corruption. We can expect to see more of these same themes illuminated once the shadow of the moon falls away. We’ve already been presented with so many hard truths and we cannot unsee what has now been seen. The time has come to burn away what is past in order to move forward.

On a larger scale, we as a nation are so used to giving our power away by reaching up to the top down structure that’s failed us for years and years under both parties expecting our chosen “side” to “fix it.” When the answer of the future is coming from the bottom up. This means only “we the people” can rebuild our vision after the old structure has crumbled away.

Materialism, consumerism, economy…these are all sins of the past we shouldn’t want back. It wasn’t working. Even at it’s best our system was quietly failing so many. Just because some of us were managing to keep our heads above water does not make it right.

We are being called towards building real community. The pandemic created the necessary space in our lives to purge these soulless things away. With the previous nodal axis coming away from Capricorn South Node and moving towards Cancer North Node we had to shed the ideas of our old dried up structures and get back to the basics of home, relearning how to nurture ourselves and others.

Scorpio season has me thinking maybe It’s time for us to put down the symbol of the Eagle and pick up the symbol of the Phoenix. As a country we’ve had our time as the Eagle which is a beautiful symbol of freedom and courage but now we must go beyond where we’ve been before. Alchemy is required of us in order to survive. The only way to endure the fire is to let go in order to be reborn as something stronger now.

We must allow what needs to fall away to be burnt to a crisp and arise again stronger than ever before in brilliant colors that represent ALL of US this time. Ashes blowing off our wings, flames hanging off our bodies and blood dripping from our mouths. That kind of rebirth is the only one that can survive this fire.

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